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Primeira Circular

1. Introduction

The Brazilian Association of Semiotic Studies (ABES) is pleased to announce the 6th International ABES Congress, which will be held from July 1 to 4, 2025, at the School of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo, on the Butantã Campus in the city of São Paulo. Since its founding in 2002, ABES has been committed to fostering semiotic research in Brazil, bringing together researchers working in a variety of academic fields.


The 6th International ABES Congress will bring together researchers around the theme "Presences", with the aim of promoting dialogue among different semiotic perspectives and encouraging interaction among researchers from various areas of knowledge. Participants will come from different regions of Brazil as well as from other countries where semiotics has a significant presence.

The theme “Presences” invites us to reflect on the need for the field to position itself in contemporary public debate. In light of the growing “platformization” of individual and collective interactions, it is increasingly urgent and indispensable to understand how languages and discourses function in governing meaning-making processes, as well as the ways in which they are mobilized by social actors. Based on the understanding that the presence of semiotics at the heart of social life is fundamental today—ensuring mastery of tools that allow us to identify the power relations involved in these meaning-making dynamics—this edition of the Congress will seek to highlight the interface between Semiotics and society, fostering debates among researchers, market professionals, representatives of social groups, and artists.


2. Participation Modalities

Researchers, doctoral candidates, and master’s students may participate in the congress by presenting their papers in the symposia. Undergraduate research students may register to present their posters. Attendees not presenting any work are also welcome.


2.1. Symposia

2.1.1. Symposia will be proposed by two researchers holding doctoral degrees. Each symposium will accommodate a minimum of 5 submitted papers (including the coordinators) and a maximum of 15.


2.1.2. All symposium proposals must be sent by email, with the subject "Symposium Proposal," to the following address: The proposal must include: a) the title of the symposium; b) the name, affiliation, and a brief academic biography of the proposer(s) (approximately 5 lines); c) three keywords; d) the language(s) accepted for the symposium (the official languages of the event are Portuguese, English, French, Italian, and Spanish); e) a summary of the topic addressed in the symposium (between 200 and 500 words, including the presentation, the rationale, and the general objectives). Symposium proposals will be evaluated by the Congress’s scientific committee. It will be the responsibility of the coordinators to receive and evaluate the papers submitted to their symposium.

2.1.3. Deadlines:

a) Submission of symposium proposals: by March 14, 2025;

b) Announcement of approved symposia: by March 21;

c) Registration for symposia: from March 21 to April 25, 2025;

d) Submission to the congress organizing committee of the list of papers accepted by the symposium organizers: by April 30, 2025.

e) Sending of the acceptance letter to registrants: by May 13, 2025;

f) Payment of registration fees: see deadlines and amounts on the ABES website (


2.2. Poster Presentations:

2.2.1. Poster proposals must be submitted by email, with the subject line “Poster Proposal,” to the following Each proposal must include the student’s name and their advisor’s name, along with institutional affiliation; a summary of the work (maximum of 10 lines); and three keywords.


2.2.2. Deadlines:

a) Proposal submission: from March 21 to April 25, 2025.

b) Sending of acceptance letters for approved proposals: by May 13, 2025.

c) Payment of registration fees: see deadlines and amounts on the ABES website (


São Paulo, FFLCH-USP, February 13, 2025.


Renata Mancini

President of ABES and
Organizing Committee of the 6th International ABES Congress

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